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300x250 Medium Rectangle Example:

Show text ads in our search engine.



Advertise on the internet

PPC advertising starting at $0.01. Many ad sizes available with image and text ads. Advertise around the world. Publishers earn 40% of the advertiser click price + 10% of publishers you signup. Join today.

468x60 Full Banner Example:

Show image ads on your website.

300x250 Medium Rectangle Example:

120x90 Button Example:

88x31 Button Example:

160x600 Wide Skyscraper Example:

468x60 Full Banner Example:

728x90 Standard Leaderboard Example:

970x250 Billboard Example:

336x280 Large Rectangle Example:

336x336 Square Example:

125x125 Square Button Example:

120x60 Button Example:

250x250 Square Example:

970x90 Large Leaderboard Example:

180x150 Small Rectangle Example:

234x60 Half Banner Example:

300x1050 Portrait Example:

Show image ads for Smartphone's.

300x50 Mobile Leaderboard Example:

300x250 Mobile Medium Rectangle Example:

320x480 Mobile Portrait Interstitial Example:

300x100 Mobile Large Banner Example:

480x320 Mobile Landscape Interstitial Example:

Show image ads for Tablet's.

728x90 Leaderboard Example:

768x1024 Portrait Interstitial Example:

1024x768 Landscape Interstitial Example:

300x600 Half-page Example:

Show text ads in our search engine.



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Show text ads for Desktop PC's.

150 Word Text Ad Example:

250 Word Text Ad Example:

Show text ads for Smartphone's.

150 Word Text Ad Example:

Show text ads for Tablet's.

400 Word Text Ad Example:

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Page last modified: 01-23-2025 12:41:49 PM